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Awakening the Healthiest You.


Quality Primary Care Services for You and Your Family
Serving South Florida

At Awaken Health DPC, we are committed to helping our patients live healthier lives. We strive to increase access to healthcare, deliver quality personalized care, eliminate the middlemen and restore the physician-patient relationship at an affordable and transparent price. We also believe in empowering our patients and community to lead healthy lifestyles through education and support.

Why Direct Primary Care?

Our doctors in Awaken Health DPC - About us

About Us

We are passionate doctors who build strong relationships with our patients and strive to offer the highest quality of care. Our practice style is comprehensive and compassionate. We understand that wellness is multifaceted: emotional, physical, spiritual, financial, social, and environmental. We take a holistic approach to identify the root cause of illness and address each aspect of wellness.

At Awaken Health DPC we don’t treat diagnoses, we heal people.

Schedule a FREE meet & greet with your doctors.

Meet and greets will be by virtual video conference. We will use this time to get to know each other, answer any questions you have about the practice or about the docs, and ultimately see if Awaken health is the right fit for you and your family.

Image by Scott Webb
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Special 12 Week Weight Loss Program

Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity! Even if you're not a member, you can still join us for this life-changing program. Our expert trainers will guide you every step of the way towards your dream body.

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